Giving and taking
A donation for the Arche
Rainer Schorr und seine Frau Petra spenden seit 2018 jährlich an das Kinder- und Jugendhilfswerk Arche in Berlin-Hellersdorf. Bei diesem privaten Engagement handelt es sich mit 50.000 und zweimal 125.000 Euro um die jeweils größten Einzelspenden für die seit 1995 bestehende Initiative.
The Arche helps children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds with recreational activities, including dance projects, theater classes, guitar lessons, computer courses, cooking school, bicycle repair shop, and even soccer, basketball or table tennis training, as well as with the daily provision of healthy food: For the children, their daily time at the Arche begins with a free, hot lunch. In some of the now more than 20 houses, there is an alternative hot meal in the evening. And where the Arche is directly involved in early care at schools, the children also receive a daily breakfast.
"The Arche's work is inspiring because it is during the early school years that children first become aware of the consequences of social inequality. Those who start here and give children urgently needed attention give young people a perspective," says Rainer Schorr. "It's great to see the impetus given to children at the Arche."

Project GUT ZU TUN
Since 2009, the GUT ZU TUN project has helped people without prospects in the labor market and often without a permanent residence into work. The program, which was initiated by the Diakonisches Werk Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz and supported by the European Social Fund, supported approximately 500 homeless people or people threatened by homelessness until 2014; enabled them to receive personal support and further training. Through ESTAVIS AG, Rainer Schorr was one of the key partners of this social project. Read more..